Return Policy
You may return unopened items* purchased from us for any reason for a full refund** within sixty (60) days of purchase.
*Excluded items where all sales are final: heat-sensitive/refrigerated items, special order items, cosmetics, books, and clearance products.
**Applicable return shipping and handling fees may be deducted from your final refund total
Return Instructions
Step 1: Contact Customer Service at 888-245-5000 or for a Return Merchandise Authorization number.
Step 2: Safely package and return your items in sturdy packaging. Products must be received unopened and in new condition. Package items tightly and securely as we need to receive them in new condition. We are not responsible for breakage or damage during shipment of returned items.
Step 3: Enclose the RMA in your packaging.
Step 4: Seal the package securely and return to the address below:
Professional Supplement Center
310 N Westhill Blvd
Appleton, WI 54914
Step 5: Take the package to your preferred shipping location to have it delivered to us.
Incorrect Items
In the event that we inadvertently shipped you the wrong item we will gladly take the item back and either process a full refund or facilitate an exchange.
In the event that you inadvertently ordered the wrong item our standard refund policy applies.
Questions? Contact Us:
(888) 245-5000
Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm EST
Saturday, 10am-6:30pm EST
Live Chat
Corner Button
When available, you will see a live chat button appear on the bottom-right of your screen on our website.
We welcome your comments and inquiries via email and will respond as quickly as we can.