Harmonia Deluxe Green

1 Review

Oz 7

Blood type friendly green powder with added antioxidant power.

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SKU: harmonia-deluxe-green-DAPN
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Product Details

Brand: D Adamo Personalized Nutrition

Category: Antioxidants

Product Code: harmonia-deluxe-green-DAPN

Servings per Container: 25

Quantity per Container: 7 Oz

This exceptional blend of nutrients is formulated to enhance your overall health, vitality and energy. You know you should eat more fresh, healthy greens — now here is a healthy way to introduce those fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.

Harmonia Deluxe blends instantly into juice or beverage right for your type. Some customers enjoy blending this with Proberry 3™ Liquid and water for a refreshing drink. What an energizing way to start the day! Our greens beverage powder provides an unequaled combination of botanicals, delivering a wide array of nutrients to the body. And, unlike any other health drink, it is designed by Dr. Peter D'Adamo to specifically benefit all blood types. Harmonia Deluxe provides an all-natural alternative to processed foods

Harmonia features a wide variety of sprouted seeds and grasses bursting with nutritional integrity and enzymatic activity. The blend also contains antioxidant-rich fruits such as elderberry, cherry and blueberry, plus phytonutrients such as ginseng and ginger.

Ratings & Reviews

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10/31/2024 3:04 pm

Excellent way to get your fruits and veggies

by gardener

I purchased this for my husband who doesn't like vegetables and only some fruits. I put it in his smoothie every morning. Mixes great and he doesn't even know its there. Ordering again.

Not medical or professional advice