Allergena Zone 5

5 Reviews

Oz 1

This product is a Homeopathic Dilution formulated to support the body’s immunity for the temporary relief of allergies. Relief from Sneezing, Runny Nose, Itchy Eyes and Sinus Congestion.

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SKU: allergena-zone-5-PRG
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Product Details

Category: Homeopathic Formulas

Product Code: allergena-zone-5-PRG-1-oz

Quantity per Container: 1 Oz

Allergena Zone 5 - Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas

  • Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy
  • Builds a strong immune system to help fight allergies
  • Alleviates runny nose, sneezing, congestion, sinus pressure, itchy & watery eyes
  • Contains herbal drainage remedies to enhance the drainage process and remove antigen residue
  • Additional immune support provided from Echinacea

The immune system defends us against disease. When harmful substances are detected, such as pollens, the immune system creates antibodies. The antibodies destroy or neutralize allergens (i.e. pollens, dust and/or mold) that are causing your allergic reactions. Allergena is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces your body's negative reaction to allergens. Allergena homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by giving micro doses of what a person is allergic to so the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate those allergens and reduce allergic symptoms.

Ratings & Reviews

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9/22/2012 12:00:00 am

Works wonders!!

by Allergy Free Man -

This product really works!! I am off of the expensive prescription medication my doctor had me on. I have recommended this product to my friends and they also say it works!

Not medical or professional advice

12/10/2012 11:00:00 pm

Great product

by LWhite -

Since I started using Allergena regularly I have fewer allergy symptoms and rarely have to take any additional products for allergies, congestion, etc. (which I was previously taking daily)

Not medical or professional advice

10/9/2013 12:00:00 am

I have ordered product again and again

by Dona the Nana

I use this product 2 times a day. Can't go without it.

Not medical or professional advice

10/19/2014 12:00:00 am

Finally - Relief!

by Lori the Nurse

I have had seasonal allergies my entire life. At 52 years old, I have tried almost everything, both OTC and prescriptive. Zone 5 was suggested by the naturopath I work with a years ago. As others around me are suffering and complaining, I have finally had the best fall hay fever season of my life. The ONLY con I could come up with is the alcohol taste as I put the drops under my tongue, but the taste only lasts a very short time.

Not medical or professional advice

2/22/2018 11:00:00 pm


by Abnormal -

Early spring and fall are tough here with the cedars and ragweed....this stuff has done a great job so far....with no side effects.

Not medical or professional advice